Available Free: Audio Stories in English, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Telegu and other languages and dialects and Worksheets on English & Maths for NGOs, schools and other groups working with children of varying ages.
GYAN - Get Your Answers Now
Announcement: Free Volunteer Management System (VMS) account for partner NGOs to recruit new volunteers and manage existing ones. Partner and request for a demo NOW!
'GYAN', an acronym for Get Your Answers Now, are customized and highly interactive training workshops designed to build capacity of employees of Non Profit Organizations. Each session, inviting a maximum of 8 to 10 participants is designed after understanding their individual requirements and is aimed at delivering an assured takeaway for each participant.
The resource persons are seniors / experts from the industry who are exposed to the context of the development sector through their volunteering /consulting assignments. They VOLUNTEER for GYAN to offer handheld guidance and on the job inputs to the participants. GYAN trainers also commit to support the participants after the session at mutual convenience.
A sample of popular topics for GYAN :
How to build your Brand
Managing social media for your organization
Using excel to develop and maintain donor/ beneficiary database
How to pitch to a corporate
Making an annual report
Get Engaged
Connect with your nearest iVolunteer Centre to know more about the upcoming GYAN sessions or to sign up for a GYAN session enriched by practical tips, practice sessions and peer learning. Do write to us on if you have specific training requirements for your organisation.