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NGO Home - Engaging Volunteers

Announcement: Free Volunteer Management System (VMS) account for partner NGOs to recruit new volunteers and manage existing ones.

Partner and request for a demo NOW!

We understand you!

We know how difficult it can be, trying to stay true to the vision of the organization, while getting the logistics managed, the programs running and the costs controlled; not to mention the constant struggle of obtaining funds and keeping your organization technologically updated. In this day and age, when it is easier to find volunteers, through different platforms, the challenge has shifted to now managing them, in the most favourable way.

Volunteers are an integral part of the growth of a non profit. So, with the kind of skills and influence they hold, it is imperative that you try your best in engaging them. So how can you manage volunteers?

1. FOCUS on volunteer recruitment
             Start by understanding the needs of your organization. What do you need help with? Identify the skills and jobs that will prove most valuable to you. Re-affirm the vision of your organization with your employees and get everyone’s consensus, on the work required. Try and categorize these into different tasks and share the opportunities in your network, website and social media channels or simply register on iVolunteer.in and post an opportunity there. 

             Once you receive interests from potential volunteers, take out time to have a casual conversation with them individually. Try to understand what they are looking for from the experience, and what else they may provide, to create a positive relationship. Clearly share what you exactly need from them and how their role contributes directly, towards positive outcomes for the cause. Set a time frame for your tasks and some checkpoints along the way, so you can ensure, you’re headed in the right direction.

             Appoint a volunteer coordinator, who can keep in touch with volunteers over calls, emails and one to one sessions. Provide guidance when required and track progress on the tasks assigned. Motivate them with reminders of the impact they would create, if they’re able to do a good job. Recognize or reward volunteers for their valuable work and appreciate their efforts from time to time. 

4. Create a COMMUNITY
             While it is true that many people volunteer because they want to make a difference, some involve because it connects them to other people. So provide your volunteers an opportunity of being a part of the larger picture. Encourage them to join your events and campaigns. Give them opportunities to organize and host volunteer fellowships, under your supervision.

Are you looking for volunteers?  Would you like to be able to network, receive training and collaborate with other organizations? 

Lets work together to make this world a better place!

Note: Recruitment Partner: if your organisation need support with recruiting Employees, do check out www.JobsForGood.com - our partner with a mission to support human capital requirements exclusively for CSR, Non Profits, Foundations, International NGOs and Social Enterprises.

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Skill Needs Survey - NGOs

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

During the peak of #COVID pandemic, iVolunteer saw a huge jump, almost 400% growth, of volunteers visiting our website. 

We would like to sustain this interest in volunteering to serve you better. We have designed a quick Skilled Volunteer Need Assessment tool to help identify opportunities for volunteers that will be most useful to you in your work and are popular with volunteers who sign-up with us. Just take 3 mins to complete this - we promise it will enhance your outreach for volunteer support.

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