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Opportunity Details

Graphic Designer for Social Media posts!

Project Background:  Graphic design is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. So if you want to use your creative visual communication skills to do good, this is the place to volunteer. 

Title: Design Social Media posts for Mother and Child health programmes 

Purpose: To help create engaging posts for FMCH. These posts could get people interested in the importance of Mother and Child health and should help people become aware of the good work that Foundation of Mother and Child does. 

Location: Kurlar East (Kamgaar Nagar)

Key Responsibilities:
1) Create brochures and update programme materials. 
2) Create content for social media posts.

Time Duration: Monthly 
Time Commitment: 2 days in the week 

Skill and Experience Required:
Knowledge of photoshop and illustrator

About Foundation of Mother and Child Health:
Foundation for Mother and Child Health provides community based nutrition intervention for pregnant and lactating mothers, children, family members and community at large to promote good health, Hygiene and nutrition practices. 
The opportunity date and time you are looking for is no longer available.
Consulting & Professional Services

Age Minimum (with Adult): 18+, Minimum Age:18+

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