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Organization Profile

Vision India Welfare Trust

The overall purpose of the project is to contribute to improving the livelihood of families by increasing women’s access to economic opportunities, which in turn will benefit their own families and the families of their employees. This will include women entrepreneurs affected by the conflict as well as women entrepreneurs with disabilities. The project represents a women-specific initiative to address gender inequalities in the small enterprise sector. It combines gender equality promotion with enterprise development. Specifically, it envisages direct technical support to local actors thereby enabling them to: Improve the business environment for women entrepreneurship Improve access to markets for women entrepreneurs Enabling environment for women’s entrepreneurship Under this theme, BDS providers will be better equipped to provide more and better business development services to women entrepreneurs as well as capacitated to promote women entrepreneurship. Activities include technical advisory services to local government on how to make the business environment more conducive to women’s entrepreneurship, best women entrepreneur awards, association building and training of trainers. The project will provide technical support to the management and staff of these organizations enabling them to plan and manage their BDS and advocacy programmes better.

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