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FAQs for Welspun WE-Volunteers
FAQs on the We-Volunteer platform & support by iVolunteer (We-Volunteer partner for volunteering)
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for conducting a volunteering activity
FAQs on the We-Volunteer platform & support by iVolunteer (We-Volunteer partner for volunteering)
1) I want to volunteer and share my time and skills. How do I start?
You can easily dedicate your time and skill to a good cause that meets your passion and interest. Dedicate your day to volunteering. Together we make it a better place!
2) How do I sign up for a volunteering activity?
Check the volunteer opportunities listed and select the one that you want to volunteer for. Click on ‘APPLY NOW’ or ‘BOOK MY SPOT NOW’.’ Fill in all the required details to create your volunteer profile. If you are already logged in, you can apply with just 1 click.
3) Can I sign up for an opportunity using my office or personal email ID?
We recommend that you use official Welspun email ID
4) What happens after I sign up for a volunteering opportunity?
Each Opportunity has a designated Opportunity Coordinator (OC) whose name and email is mentioned below. The OC will get in touch with you and connect you to the respective NGO partner to help you initiate the activity.
5) I have already signed up for an activity, but I am unable to take it up. What should I do?
Go to ‘My Dashboard’ and remove the details you entered for the relevant activity in the column ‘upcoming events’. By doing this, you allow another volunteer to register and thus ensure that the activity can continue.
6) Why is it important to log in and be present?
Because that is what you agreed to. The non-profit organization and we count on you. Without your support, the success of this activity is not possible.
7) Can I clock my volunteering hours?
Yes, you can go to ‘My Dashboard,’ click ‘Volunteer History with iVolunteer,’ and report hours for the opportunity you have completed and save your volunteer hours.
8) How do I receive a certificate of my voluntary work?
On ‘My Dashboard’, Volunteers can use the link ‘Download my Volunteering Certificate’ included at the end of the Volunteer History to print or save a digital copy of their Volunteer History anytime.
9) Can my family members or friends join in and volunteer?
Spouse and Children can join in the volunteering opportunities appropriate for family volunteers.
10) If I have any issues/ concerns whom do I address it to?
You can send in an email stating your concerns to roshni@iVolunteer.org.in. We will resolve your queries as soon as possible.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for conducting a volunteering activity
A volunteering activity must be conducted based on the Annual Activity Plan. Each Volunteer Champion will be given the responsibility to plan and execute the activity with her / his departmental colleagues.
Pre-event Preparation:
- Publicity within the plant. Canteen talks; Event-related computer wallpaper; collaterals shared by HO team
- Plan the agenda. — Inauguration — Flow of the event with timings — Chief guest and guest of honor — Material required for the activity / event in general:
- Banner (with program branding shared by the Group CSR department)
- Water, food and refreshments for volunteers
- Camera and videos
- Other venue decoration
- Material required for inauguration (lamps, ribbons, cheques, etc.)
- Resources required (within approved and existing budgets).
Points to be noted:
- A note with details of the material including the description, quantity and remarks, needs to be prepared.
- The Champion of the plant/ location recommends it to the Leader for his approval.
- Wherever an asset is being created, it needs to be acknowledged by the receiving beneficiary in a formatted receipt which needs to be preserved till the audit is completed.
- Identify if an external resource person is required (blood bank, doctors and any other professionals).
- Arrange for press / media to cover the event as per need.
- Send the invitation letters / permission letters and other related communication
During Event:
- Carry attendance register.
- Click photographs (high resolution).
- Take volunteer and beneficiary feedback in writing (to be used later for documentation purposes).
- Submit bills, to the respective accounts departments
- Motivate employees with participation certificates, any other locally created mementos or thank you cards / emails with photographs of the event.
- Prepare a report with pictures and submit it to the Group CSR department
Points to be noted:
1. Due care must be taken to ensure that a social activity is not converted into a sponsorship / advertising activity.
2. Volunteering activities carried out must be purely secular. No religious activities should be supported under CSR.
3. Only a cash donation to any NGO / institution is not a Volunteering activity.
4. One employee participating in multiple Volunteering activities will not result in an increase in the number of volunteers. Instead it will result in an increase in the number of man hours. Thus, one employee = one volunteer.
5. Ensure, a minimum of two quotations (ideally three) for the material procured.